Established in 2013, Lune Media is an Australian-owned and independent television production company based at Sydney’s Disney Studios.

From documentary series to factual entertainment, comedy quiz shows and more - we produce television that not only informs and inspires but entertains as well.

Led by Founder and Managing Director Leonie Lowe, the Lune Media team has been behind some of the most powerful and critically-acclaimed series on Australian television in recent years.

From the controversial ‘Struggle Street’ to the multi-award-winning ‘War on Waste’ and the groundbreaking series ‘Do You Want to Live Forever?‘ among many others - we love to make programs that spark national conversations and challenge the way we view the world around us.


Lune Media is proud to be a carbon neutral company.

We purchase carbon credits through accredited Australian Carbon Offset Providers to offset emissions generated on-site and across all our productions. And we’ve back-dated those credits to cover all of our emissions since the company began operating. It’s part of our wider initiative to minimise waste, encourage recycling and find ways to reduce our overall carbon footprint.